Ways to Practice Self-Love
Did you know that even badasses need a little ME TIME? Yes, Chuck Norris loves bubble baths. Fact. Oscar the Grouch likes to light a candle and savor a cold summer wine spritzer. Fact. I love doughnuts and feel euphoria at that first bite. #DOUGHNUTS4LIFE We do so much trying to be put together adults and often times that brings forth a whole can of exhausted, underappreciated, and self-deprecating worms. (Those worms can really be hard on themselves). It may sound cheesy but practicing self-love is very often undervalued and is DESPERATELY NEEDED in our lives. This not only goes for taking care of YOU, (you magnificent beast you!!!) but practicing self-love helps you expand your mindfulness and begin to see others around you who need love too. After all, are we not all humans just wanting to be loved and cared about? Are we not all just girls, standing in front of boys, asking them to love us?!???!?!?!?!?!? #ROMCOMS4LIFE Take a moment and really take this article to heart. If we don’t love on ourselves and others, the robot apocalypse WILL happen.
Where do I begin?!?!?
- Create a self-love ritual that you do first thing in the morning. Starting your day on a positive note is exhilarating and sets you up to be a love ninja all day. Drink some lemon water, work out, meditate, read a chapter of a book you have been trying to finish, or write a letter to someone you care about. Do something FOR YOU.
- TREAT YO SELF! I’m not talking a massive vacation, but do little nice things for yourself. Buy an ice cream and SAVOR every bite without worrying about calories. Get fresh flowers from the farmers market. Get a pet fish!!! What could go wrong?!? The point is reward yourself for being awesome.
- End toxic relationships. This one is hard but to be the happiest best human we must surround ourselves with people who actually LOVE us. It sounds so simple but we often take a lot of abuse. Spend more time with the people who inspire and lift you up. Oh and don’t be a dick, return the favor!
- Stop listening to that asshole in your head. Negatives thoughts constantly arise and need to be donkey kicked in the face. Comparisons are the biggest killjoy. So be more forgiving of yourself and remember that while you may be jealous of someone’s situation they may be jealous of yours. We also all make idiot mistakes and the difference is in how we react and reflect on them. What happened yesterday is over. STOP DWELLING!
- End the habit of constantly looking for approval. Be the peasant in the Oregon Trail who shoots whatever bison they want! The farmer who trades in for extra wheels just because! The mother that gets dysentery but says FUCK IT and makes it to Oregon before the game kills her off!!!!! These game characters didn’t let society judge them and neither should you. Be YOU!
- Unplug from your devices. Do the things that invigorate and inspire you and possibly take some time to learn something new. In life, there is always a new Pokemon to be caught, but what if the Pokemon being caught was off the screen? And in fact, was never a Pokemon?!?!?!?!? What if you were catching real human interactions that made you feel super good inside?!!?!?!??
- Practice the art of saying NO. We all want to please other people but often times that gets taken advantage of. If it’s not worth your time, it is OK to pass. Don’t run yourself ragged.
- Clean your home or office or circus tent. Staring at cluttered mess has helped nobody. Freshen up your crib people!
- Hire a coach, therapist, or accountability buddy. Sometimes practicing self-love is tricky and we need a little help which is also totally badass. Making the decision to heal or better yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give to wonderful, fabulous YOU.
So start the LOVE FEST!!!! I promise you will feel amazing.
Love is love is love is love, Julia