Post-election Wellness
Anyone else suffering from post-election hangover? I feel like New York City has truly turned into a ghost-zombie wonderland. Without getting angry or political, I wanted to challenge everyone out there to be an EXTRA AWESOME GOOD PERSON. Many of us are confused, elated, indifferent, hurt, amused, scared, and downright pissed off and those emotions should be felt for healing to begin. Personally, I’m intellectually and emotionally tired of all the fighting. This is a plea for both sides to stop throwing grenades and to communicate in the best way possible, with love. That’s right, things about to get super SEXY. Friends, do beautiful things starting now and going forward. Here are a few ways to take care of yourself and the humans around you…
- DO SOMETHING. We live in a country where your voice can be heard and there are people who will listen. Find your home, volunteer your time, and make change. BE COOL. BE ACTIVE.
- TAKE A DIGITAL DETOX. Your mind is beautiful and fully capable of being without social media. In fact, it craves the peace and silence. Your brain is a tired grandpa just praying for the grandkids to take a nap. Give it a rest. Let it settle from all the insanity. Here’s an insane idea, read a positive book? Take a bath? Go talk to other people without checking your phone?!!?!? It’ll help I promise.
- HAVE A LADIES/MAN FRIEND NIGHT. Most likely your friends are going through the same emotions. What’s better than martinis and Settlers of Catan?!!?!?!? Community is so important so stop isolating yourself and get your crew together to do something fun. Play with pogs, dress up as Pokemon, pretend you are all characters from Clue….BRING THE 90’S BACK!! (But with booze..duh)
- PAMPER YOURSELF. Never was there a better time for TREATS FO THE SELF!!! Spa day, shitty magazines, your favorite craft brews, dinner out with a close friend….whatever is your thing indulge a little!
- IMMERSE YOURSELF IN INSPIRATION. Find the good and happy in the word and soak it all in babes! In the darkest of times there are still babies and puppies. FIND THOSE PUPPIES DAMNIT!!! A great documentary, fabulous book, volunteer work, an art exhibit….seek and ye shall be rewarded!
- DONATE. Even if it’s only in place of your morning coffee, giving to charities that mean something to you not only help people and communities in need but it gives you that amazing warm feeling in your gut. If money isn’t an option donate your time. If everyone went out and did something good for the world we wouldn’t be in such a funk.
Whatever your political affiliation, be kind to people. You never know who has a bad look on their face because they just got horrible news about their job or family member. Try to think better of people regardless of their exterior demeanor. Continue to open doors for people. Help someone up the stairs in the subway. Be a good listener for someone who just needs to have another person HEAR THEM. Get out of your funk and do something for your community. DON’T BE AN ASSHOLE. It’s exhausting I hear.
Spreading the love with one sweet dance move at a time, Julia