Namaste Bitches
You don’t have to be a genius to understand that yoga has plenty of benefits. I mean, have you seen those pants you get to wear?!? (Men, don’t get jelly you can wear them too. #EQUALITY #PANTS) There’s more to it however than increased muscle tone, strength, posture, flexibility, and balance. (Although who doesn’t want improvement in those areas? I’ll tell you…the Fascists.) As badass, hardworking people of the tip community we deal with some astronomically rude customers, idiotic managers, and physical trials that make you think, “I need a stiff one after this shift!” (Interpret as you deem fit). Yoga is fucking fantastic and you will feel like you went to the spa after you sweat out all the crap you have to deal with at work. YOGA IS A MUCH CHEAPER THERAPY. Why?
- Yoga encourages you to RELAX. Focus on the breath shifts the balance from your sympathetic nervous system (the fight or flight) to the parasympathetic nervous system which is calming and restorative. A lower heart rate + lowered blood pressure = relaxation magic.
- Yoga EASES TENSION. Familiar with that Vulcan death grip you have on that stack of plates going to the kitchen? Tension you aren’t aware of can really take its toll and unconscious habits can lead to chronic tension and fatigue. When these things pile up, you turn into a monster. Literally. It’s science. And folklore. Also, no one is Disneyland happy when their neck is in a knot so LET IT GOOOO. Yoga will help heighten body awareness of where you are holding stress.
- Yoga helps you FOCUS. Most of us have the memories of gods from our jobs, but a main component of yoga is focusing on the present. Studies have found over time yogis show improved reaction time, memory, and IQ scores. You smarties!!!
- Yoga is a magic ERASER for health problems. It helps keep sickness at bay by draining your lymphatic system. While you are twisting, your organs are releasing awesomeness that fights infections and disposes of cellular toxic waste.
- Yoga gives you PEACE and INNER STRENGTH. It has been proven to fight depression in two ways. The first is by raising your heart rate on a regular basis, and the second is by allowing the mental loops of frustration, regret, anger, fear, and desires to slow down. Many of us handle our issues through vices…drugs, overeating, working TOO HARD, sleeping around, and drinking WILL catch up with you. Use the time in class to self-reflect and add a little love towards yourself while you’re at it!!! Yoga truly guides you through tough shit mentally and physically.
- Yoga can help you SLEEP BETTER. Who doesn’t want a solid night’s rest?!? (FASCISTS!) Insomnia issues are yes, likely anxiety. Yoga chills you out and gives you the skills to help slow down your racing thoughts at bedtime.
I’m not preaching a transformation to growing braided chin beards and only drinking kombucha, but I highly recommend starting a practice FOR YOURSELF. The benefits are endless and as hard as we all work it is so important to take time for YOU BABY! SO DO IT BITCHES!! Beginner classes are everywhere from local studios that often offer ‘pay what you can’ classes, to podcasts, to YouTube! It’s the future you guys. Find what works and get your ZEN ON!!!
Headstands and pigeon poses, Julia